As an actor, handsomeness is not a guarantee for success. he must know how to act - his look, talk, movement must belong to the character he is creating. in one word, he must be intelligent enough to take advantage of his handsomeness. if a good-looking guy can't act, he is no more than an empty face without soul. Fortunately, Tik owns both. - he was born to be a great actor.
回复 nuisance 的帖子 , ?! p% `8 L H/ X( ~+ j 1 y" S% v( S6 L* Q8 c I agree with what you said. In my opinion, the most important thing to an actor is the abilty to acting. To be a good actor is to do what he should be in the film~
kareena 发表于 2008-7-3 10:06 1 [- b8 q f( ~2 C6 u& |Appearance is important for an actor. Because no one want to see an ugly man who play a prince and f ...